
When you first load up your Arduino IDE, you wil be greeted with the following sight:

void setup() {


void loop() {


TLDR: setup is for code which runs once, loop is for code which runs foreverrrr

setup() and loop() are functions, with the scope of the function (the code which will execute when the function is called) denoted by curly braces.

When looking at a C/C++ function, we can break it down as so:

return_value function_name(type1 input1, type2 input2) {
 /* code to be executed by function goes here */

where you can have as many inputs to a function as you want. Types are the data type of the function, such as:

  • int for integers
  • floats for floating point numbers
  • bool for boolean values
  • char for characters (like 'a', 'b')
  • void for representing no type

and the many derivations of these. For an exhaustive list, you should refer to the documentation provided by the C++ language.