Using basic web components

In this section, we will finally learn how to use very basic web components provided in the template to create a basic porfolio website for your project. The web components is a way for you to quick start your writing process without having to think too much about styling, consistency and other nitty-gritty detailed. You don't have to use the web components, the styling, or even the template at all if you wish to build something else your style instead. As long as, it is a website, and it display your project properly, it would suffice.

We will cover the following web components in this section:

  • basic elements
  • team-member
  • table-of-content
  • table-component
  • image
  • video
  • references


Unless otherwise specified, all the web components in this section is custom built for this template, so you won't be able to search for them online. This note is to save you from fruitless searching effort.