Installation of development tools

Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

The first thing that you would need is a text editor. For more complex projects you would probably need an Integrated Development Environtment (IDE) instead, but for the purpose of this portfolio a text editor is more than good enough. The official text editor that will be supported in this course is VSCode due to its popularity, ease of configuration and useful plugins.

To download VSCode, just follow the instruction provided on this website VSCode.

Here is a basic Youtube tutorial for those of you who would like to learn a bit more about your new shiny text editor: VSCode Tutorial.

It is advised to get somewhat comfortable with using VSCode as it is quite an industry standard for programming, and it also will make your life easier in general.

VSCode extension

VSCode has a lot of what we called extensions. They are essentially package or "app" that is written by other people to help extend the functionality of VSCode. For this tutorial, we will install an extension that helps us with live previewing our website. Without this plugin, we would need to click reload on our browser everytime we made a change to the website, which is not very fun to do every 5 minutes or so.


By default, your TASKBAR should be on the LEFT OF THE SCREEN.

In all of the VSCode image going forward, the task bar is displayed on the right side of the screen due to the author preference (I would recommend you to also put taskbar on the right to improve code readability), this is purely for User Experience purpose and does not affect the functionality of VSCode in anyway.


Click on the extensions Icon as shown above.

Type in the Extensions Search Bar section: Live Server

Open up the results that say:

Live Server

Ritwick Dey

Live Server

Just click the Install button and you are set. You should be able to see a small broadcasting symbol at the bottom of the VSCode window (usually on the bottom right) that looks like this.

Go Live


Next you will need to learn how to use a version control system or source control management (scm) depend on who you ask. In this course, our official supported scm is Git. Please visit the link provided, and follow their instruction to set it up on your computer.

If you are wondering what is Git and want to learn more about this very important industry standard tool, here is a link to a great introductory video to Git by Brian from Harvard CS50 course.


Please sign up for a Github account at Github. Github is where you can upload your own git repository or download other git repository (think dropbox or Google Drive but for code). This is also where your websites and all the resources for this tutorial will be hosted FOR FREE!!!

While you are at it, remember to give a star to this tutorial and watch us on Github. It would give us some internet clout :"), but more importantly it will notify your account and your email if new update is made to the tutorial so you can keep an eyes out for it.

Where to star and watch